Five Acres Primary

Enjoy · Persevere · Improve · Create

Oak Class - Nursery


 Our topic in Term 2 is:



We will be finding out about:


Stories with a colour theme

Identifying colours

Sorting and making patterns

Colour in the natural environment (including Autumn colours)

Colours linked to festivals/celebrations e.g.Diwali and Bonfire Night

Mixing colours

We will use the theme to explore all areas of learning and produce art work to enhance the nursery classroom.

For more information please click on the curriculum newsletter below or ask any member of staff.


Nursery Curriculum Page 


Forest School and PE are on Fridays for children in the morning session. Please see the letter sent out at the beginning to term to find out whether your child is doing Forest School in Term 1 (September - October) or Term 2 (November - December)

Children in the afternoon session are doing PE on Thursdays and Forest School on Fridays in Terms 1 and 2.

Please send children with plenty of warm clothes.  It is not necessary for them to wear school uniform on Fridays.  All children need their own Wellington Boots.  School provide the waterproof trousers, coats and gloves but in colder weather please send hats, scarves and thick socks.

Please see the photos in the galleries below to see the fun and learning that are taking place on our Forest School site.



Children need to bring plimsolls (clearly labelled with their name) and arrive at school wearing trousers please (jogging bottoms are ideal).

Forest School - Nursery

Pictures from our Forest School sessions